About Australia

Current Australian migration policies are designed to manage and facilitate the entry of individuals into the country in a manner that supports economic growth, addresses skill shortages, and promotes family reunification. The migration program is divided into several key streams: skilled migration, family migration, humanitarian programs, and special eligibility visas.

The skilled migration stream is a cornerstone of Australia's immigration policy, aimed at attracting individuals with specific skills, qualifications, and work experience that are in demand. This stream includes the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program, employer-sponsored visas, and the Global Talent Visa, which targets highly skilled individuals in key sectors such as technology and science.

Family migration policies allow Australian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor family members, including partners, children, and parents, to join them in Australia. This stream helps maintain family unity and provides social support networks for new migrants.

Australia also has a strong humanitarian program, which offers protection and resettlement opportunities to refugees and others in humanitarian need. This commitment reflects Australia's international obligations and its dedication to providing a safe haven for those fleeing persecution and conflict.

The government continuously adjusts migration policies to respond to changing economic needs and global events. Recent policy adjustments have included measures to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as prioritizing onshore visa applicants and sectors critical to economic recovery.

Australia's migration policies emphasize a balance between meeting the country’s economic needs, supporting family reunification, and fulfilling humanitarian commitments. This multifaceted approach ensures that migration continues to play a vital role in shaping Australia's diverse and dynamic society.